
Analysis of USB socket specification classification

2024-9-21 2798

There are many specifications for USB sockets, such as USB BM, USB AM, USB BF, and so on. USB sockets are mainly used for various audio equipment, digital cameras, mobile phones, laptops, MP3/MP4/DV players, household appliances, automotive accessories, IT multimedia equipment, office equipment, communication equipment, measuring instruments, TV, VCR and other operations. Below is a detailed introduction to the specifications and classifications of USB sockets:

Category 1: USB BM (short solder wire type, three piece solder wire type);

Category 2: Micro 5pin male and female (A type, B type, AB type);

Category 3: USB BF (90 ° direct insertion, 180 ° direct insertion, SMT full mount);

Classification 4: MINI 4pin, 5pin, 8pin, 10pin, 14pin, 16pin, 18pin male and female;

Category 5: USB AM (Short body soldered, foldable two-piece set, foldable 3-piece set, A-male direct insertion, SMT type, sinking plate type, harpoon type).

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